In a location carefully chosen for the new concept of “complete living”, The Resort is a “mini town style community” that connects sea, beach, parkland and mountainside.
The Resort is in North Cyprus, within an area of outstanding natural beauty beside the sparkling Mediterranean sea. It is only minutes from the world class Korineum Golf Course and a short drive to the bustling city of Kyrenia, with its famous antique harbour.
A perfect site where residents are surrounded by gorgeous views of the sea, beach, parkland and the extensive Beşparmak mountain range.
A perfect community designed so that residents and guests never have to, or want to leave.
The Resort Facilities
34.00% der Menschen, die in der Region Tatlısu Famagusta leben, arbeiten als Privater Sektor und 12.10% als Handwerkerin. 23.90% der in dieser Region lebenden Menschen gehören der Altersgruppe 35-44 an. Darüber hinaus verfügen 37.60% der in der Region lebenden Menschen über eine Weiterführende Schule-Bildung.
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