⭐️ These 3 Villas, carefully built using first class materials, dazzle with their large land options of 400 and 500 square meters, as well as their private pool, location next to the sea and modern architecture. Thanks to its central location, it is away from the chaos of the city but provides easy access to all needs.⭐️
☑️ 3 3+1
☑️ Living Area
☑️ 2 400m² and 1 pcs. 500m² Land
☑️ Private Use Pool
☑️ Walking Distance to the Sea
☑️ Large Garden Area
☑️ Central Location
☑️ 50m from the Main Road
☑️ 2 Balconies 1 Terrace
☑️ Pantry Cabinet
☑️ 2 Ensuite Bedrooms
☑️ Parking
☑️ 2km to Lapta Walking Path
☑️ 3 Bathrooms
☑️ Vehicle parking area
☑️ Secure living area
☑️ 1st Class material and workmanship
☑️ And many more features…
⭐️ These 3 Villas, carefully constructed using first-class materials, dazzle with their large land options of 400 and 500 square meters, as well as their private pool, location next to the sea and modern architecture. Thanks to its central location, it is away from the chaos of the city but provides easy access to all needs. ⭐️
☑️ 3 3+1 units
☑️ Living Area
☑️ 2 Plots of 400m² and 1 Plot of 500m²
☑️ Private Use Pool
☑️ Walking Distance to the Sea
☑️ Large Garden Area
☑️ Central Location
☑️ 50m from the main road
☑️ 2 Balconies 1 Terrace
☑️ Pantry Cabinet
☑️ 2 Ensuite Bedrooms
☑️ Parking
☑️ 2km to Lapta Walking Path
☑️ 3 Bathrooms
☑️ Vehicle parking area
☑️ Safe living space
☑️ First class materials and workmanship
☑️ And many more features…
Graphs, square meter prices and property index are created in cooperation with 101evler and REIDIN Data Analytics.
42.80% of the people living in Karşıyaka Kyrenia region work as Private Sector and 13.50% as Artisan. 21.40% of the people living in this region are in the 35-44 age range. In addition, 36.67% of the people living in the region have High School education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
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