38.50% of the people living in Ötüken Iskele region work as Private Sector and 20.40% as Artisan. 18.60% of the people living in this region are in the 65+ age range. In addition, 36.60% of the people living in the region have Primary School education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
İskele / Ötüken'de Satılık 3+1 Lüx Köşe villa ..Vergileri ödenmiş -Oturuma Hazır
Пирс / Продаётся роскошная угловая вилла 3+1 в Отюкене. Оплачены налоги - Готова к заселению
Anlegestelle / Zum Verkauf 3+1 Luxus-Eckvilla in Ötüken. Steuern bezahlt - Bezugsfertig
ویلا لوکس 3+1 تاجری در اسکله / اوتوکن برای فروش... مالیات پرداخت شده - آماده سکونت
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