New ready-made project in Long Beach, 2 blocks. Block A, 32 apartments, 5 floors. Block B, 16 apartments, 6 floors. Features: indoor and outdoor parking, generator, thermal insulation, earthquake-resistant foundation, fence around the complex, laminate flooring in the hall, heat-saving windows, granite flooring in the kitchen, built-in cabinets in the kitchen, PVC windows, intercom, marble window sills, 2 elevators. Upon payment all at once, since the project is ready.
Open area 88.50 sq m
4th floor
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Long Beach'te yeni hazır proje, 2 blok. A Blok, 32 daire, 5 kat. B Blok, 16 daire, 6 kat. Özellikler: Kapalı ve açık otopark, jeneratör, ısı yalıtımı, depreme dayanıklı temel, site etrafı çit, salonda laminat parke, ısı tasarruflu pencereler, mutfakta granit döşeme, mutfakta gömme dolaplar, PVC pencereler, interkom, mermer pencere pervazları, 2 asansör. Proje hazır olduğundan ödeme tek seferde yapılır.
Açık alan 88,50 m2
4. kat
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