28.70% of the people living in Dipkarpaz Iskele region work as Private Sector and 16.34% as Artisan. 25.20% of the people living in this region are in the 35-44 age range. In addition, 37.00% of the people living in the region have High School education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
Dipkarpaz'ın eşsiz doğasında 12 Dönüm 3 Evlek büyüklüğünde yatırımlık arazimiz satıştadır..
В уникальной природе Дипкарпаза продается наша инвестиционная земля площадью 12 гектаров и 3 дома.
In der einzigartigen Natur von Dipkarpaz steht unser Investitionsgrundstück mit 12 Dekaden und 3 Häusern zum Verkauf.
در طبیعت بی نظیر دیپکارپز زمین سرمایه گذاری 12 دهاری و 3 خانه به فروش می رسد.
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