Location: Mormenekse, Famagusta
Size: 4 Donums 2 Evleks 140a2 (Total 5551 m²)
Title Deed: Equivalent Title Deed
Features: Roadside, within a special zoning order. Ideal for commercial and residential projects!
Mormenekse offers a valuable investment opportunity! A large area suitable for both commercial and residential projects with zoning advantages. Its roadside location offers high potential.
For Price and Details: 0533 864 1212
Translated by 101evler
38.00% of the people living in Mormenekşe Famagusta region work as Private Sector and 7.70% as Civil Servant. 25.70% of the people living in this region are in the 35-44 age range. In addition, 38.50% of the people living in the region have High School education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
SATILIK ARAZİ - GAZİMAĞUSA, MORMENEKŞE 4 DÖNÜM 2140a2 (5551m2) - 05338641212
Продается земельный участок - Газимагуза, Морменекше 4 донума 2140а2 (5551 м2) - 05338641212
Zum Verkauf stehendes Grundstück - Gazimağusa, Mormenekşe 4 Dönüm 2140a2 (5551m2) - 05338641212
زمین برای فروش - غازی ماغوسا، مورمنکشه 4 دونوم 2140a2 (5551m2) - 05338641212
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