In Aslanköy, Gazimagusa, a 123398 m2 (92 Cyprus dönüm) zoned land can be evaluated for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes. This zoned land is located close to the main road between Lefkoşa and Magosa, about 400 meters away, situated on a secondary road and has about 390 meters facing the road. If no construction is to be immediately built on this land, it will be a good investment. In the future, by building either through joint-venture or according to desire, it has the potential to provide its owner with a great profit. With a project that makes sense for our country on lands with such size and road access, an excellent zoning permission can be obtained from the relevant state institution. The asking price is 2 million GBP. The property owner is open to offers and ready to make a deal with the buyer.
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36.80% of the people living in Aslanköy Famagusta region work as Private Sector and 9.15% as Freelance. 19.40% of the people living in this region are in the 35-44 age range. In addition, 37.30% of the people living in the region have High School education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
Gazi mağusa Aslanköy'de 123398 m2 ( 92 KIbrıs dönümü) imarlı arazi.
Гази-Магу́са, в Асланкёй, 123398 кв. м (92 кипрских доньма) земли с разрешением на строительство.
Famagusta Aslanköy'de 123398 m2 (92 Zypern Donum) bebautes Land.
در آسلانکوی گازی ماگوسا، زمینی به مساحت 123،398 متر مربع (معادل 92 دنوم قبرسی) با اجازه بهره بسته است.
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