Girne Alagadi rental daily villa / +905338881419 Alagadi for rent 5+1 magnificent villa with sea and mountain views 280 STG / +905338881419 Rental conditions: MINIMUM RENTAL PERIOD THREE DAYS 1 Deposit Cleaning fee: 75 STG Price varies according to the number of people 6 people 280 STG 8 people 330 STG 10 people 350 STG 📞 Come, contact us for a comfortable and luxurious living. 📞 Contact Numbers: +90 533 888 14 19 ✉️ Corporate Communication Mail: [email protected] 👨💻 Our Website: 👨💻 Instagram: 👨💻 Facebook: 📍 Office Address: Girne / Karaoğlanoğlu Street Çankaya Plaza No.2 ❗️ Please Note: Payment Information ❗️ ❗️All payments and contract procedures are carried out in our office❗️
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