HOME & BUSİNESS Real Estate since 2001

HOME & BUSİNESS Real Estate since 2001

Hüseyin Sadeghi
14th year
خرید کنید تبلیغات: 2 پیدا شد

Specializing in the Real Estate for Northern Cyprus

H&B Property Estates are one of the leading estate agents in Northern Cyprus, now being established since 2001, are known locally to be a well respected company.

The H&B Team have a wealth of knowledge and first hand experience within the real estate business, incorporating real estate, commercial and residential property investments in the North Cyprus markets.

Driven to exceed our customers expectations, the team at H&B offer a comprehensive, step by step sales service from the point of contact with advice and guidance throughout the buying process, full after sales care and a reliable management services for rentals and holiday lets.

با ما تماس بگیرید

HOME & BUSİNESS Real Estate since 2001
HOME & BUSİNESS Real Estate since 2001
14th year
به دنبال
2 پیدا شد

Specializing in the Real Estate for Northern Cyprus

H&B Property Estates are one of the leading estate agents in Northern Cyprus, now being established since 2001, are known locally to be a well respected company.

The H&B Team have a wealth of knowledge and first hand experience within the real estate business, incorporating real estate, commercial and residential property investments in the North Cyprus markets.

Driven to exceed our customers expectations, the team at H&B offer a comprehensive, step by step sales service from the point of contact with advice and guidance throughout the buying process, full after sales care and a reliable management services for rentals and holiday lets.

با ما تماس بگیرید

101evler.com هیچ مسئولیتی در قبال تمامی اطلاعیه ها، اطلاعات، محتوا و تصاویر بصری وارد شده توسط سایر کاربران یا شرکت های املاک ندارد. صحت این محتویات وارد شده توسط سایر کاربران/شرکت ها متعلق به صاحب اعلانات می باشد. تمامی اطلاعات، اسناد و عکس های منتشر شده در این سایت متعلق به 101evler می باشد. بدون اجازه نمی توان آن را کپی، تکثیر، به اشتراک گذاشت.