Apartment 1+1 in CASA DEL MARE /NorthernLand Construction/
Apartment 1+0 in CAESAR BLUE, АURORA
Apartment 1+1 in EDELWEISS, Е
appartment 1+0 в MANHATTAN, А
Apartment 1+0 in MANHATTAN, А
Die Wohnung 2+1 im Caesar Resort.
The translation of the sentence from Turkish to German is: Die Wohnung 1+0 im Grand Sapphire Resort.
The sentence you provided is not in Turkish but in Russian. It means Eine 1+1 Wohnung im Meris-Wohnkomplex in German.
The sentence you provided seems to be a mixture of Turkish, Russian, and English. Could you please provide a clear Turki...
Die Wohnung 1+1 im Olive Court 2.
The sentence seems to be written in a mix of different languages, including Turkish, Russian, and English. If you would ...
Die Wohnung 1+0 in OCEAN LIFE RESIDENCE, Block AFALINA 2.
The sentence you provided is written in a mix of Turkish, Russian, and English. If you want me to translate квартира 1+...
The given text seems to be a combination of languages - Turkish, Russian, and English. However, I will attempt to transl...
The sentence in Turkish is already a mix of languages. It seems to include a combination of Russian and English words al...
The sentence is not in Turkish, it seems to be a mix of different languages, including Russian and numbers. Could you pl...
Apartment 1+0 Wohnanlage ROYAL SUN RESIDENCE
2+1 Wohnung im Caesar Resort, Block Tiberius
Wohnung 2+1 Wohnkomplex FOUR SEASONS LIFE II
Stadthaus 2+1 Wohnanlage TURTLE BAY VILLAGE
Staffel 2+1 in MAJESTIC-4
Apartment 1+0 in der Bewertungsliste
Apartment 2+1 im CITY PEARL Famagusta
Apartment 3+1 in BELLA MARE, Famagusta
Apartment 2+1 mit Blick auf den Weinberg
Apartment 2+1 in Edelweiss
Villa 4+1 und LA ISLA VILLAS
Apartment 1+0 im Royal Sun
Apartment 1+1 in VIENTO 2
Apartment 2+1 in ANKA
Apartment 2+1 im RIVA PARK