Akol Global

Akol Global

Akol Group
11th year
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We are established in 2005 and with our successful history, we became one of the leader firms in Northern Cyprusand we still grow to become a regional player.

We operate in 6 different sectors, which are construction, tourism, service, real estate and investment. Other than these, we invest in sports, entertainment and management as well.

Behind the achievement of the Akol Group Of Companies is a customer-focused and centralized management approach. This approach, not just induced by financial earnings but it is developed with an idea; a benefit to all society as a conscious citizenship. Akol, puts its CSR and sponsorship projects into action with this consciousness.

In all areas that are supported, we are aware of our responsibilities, we want to be a pioneer in our society as well as an example and with this vision we make actions, we contribute to the economy and employment of our country. CSR strategy of our company is to increase the prosperity of our society and create economic, cultural, social and environmental sustainability.


Akol Global
Akol Global
11th year
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We are established in 2005 and with our successful history, we became one of the leader firms in Northern Cyprusand we still grow to become a regional player.

We operate in 6 different sectors, which are construction, tourism, service, real estate and investment. Other than these, we invest in sports, entertainment and management as well.

Behind the achievement of the Akol Group Of Companies is a customer-focused and centralized management approach. This approach, not just induced by financial earnings but it is developed with an idea; a benefit to all society as a conscious citizenship. Akol, puts its CSR and sponsorship projects into action with this consciousness.

In all areas that are supported, we are aware of our responsibilities, we want to be a pioneer in our society as well as an example and with this vision we make actions, we contribute to the economy and employment of our country. CSR strategy of our company is to increase the prosperity of our society and create economic, cultural, social and environmental sustainability.


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