Arif Köroğlu
5th year

ASFEN CONSTRUCTION & INVESTMENT has started its activities with KÖROĞLU Ltd. by our founder Fehmi KÖROĞLU in 1978, construction, construction works, land parcelization have been the main sectors. In 1982, Fehmi Koroglu Construction Co. Ltd. and TRNC in the construction sector, as well as various construction and sales projects, as well as; University building, student dormitory, hotel, state and military buildings, especially the signature of important works. Later, with Broker & Co Ltd, which was founded in 2007, he started a land banking, real estate investment and sales business and became a safe investment consulting company for international investors.


5th year
Looking For

ASFEN CONSTRUCTION & INVESTMENT has started its activities with KÖROĞLU Ltd. by our founder Fehmi KÖROĞLU in 1978, construction, construction works, land parcelization have been the main sectors. In 1982, Fehmi Koroglu Construction Co. Ltd. and TRNC in the construction sector, as well as various construction and sales projects, as well as; University building, student dormitory, hotel, state and military buildings, especially the signature of important works. Later, with Broker & Co Ltd, which was founded in 2007, he started a land banking, real estate investment and sales business and became a safe investment consulting company for international investors.

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