✧Kyrenia Bellapais✧3+1 Rental Twin Villa✧160m2✧Sea View✧Spacious Balcony✧Fully Furnished✧Double Terrace✧Private Closed Garage600£2 Deposit + 1 Rent + Service Fee
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Graphs, square meter prices and property index are created in cooperation with 101evler and REIDIN Data Analytics.
38.50% of the people living in Bellapais Kyrenia region work as Private Sector and 10.90% as Freelance. 21.10% of the people living in this region are in the 65+ age range. In addition, 33.10% of the people living in the region have University and Beyond education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
Girne Bellapais'te 3+1 Çok Uygun Fiyatlı Deniz Manzaralı Kiralık İkiz Villa
Аренда полдома в Беллапайсе, Гирне, 3+1, с великолепным видом на море, по очень выгодной цене
In Girne Bellapais, 3+1 Very Favorably Priced Twin Villa for Rent with Sea View.
در خیابان Girne Bellapais، یک ویلا دو خانه اجاره ای با 3 اتاق خواب و 1 اتاق نشیمن با چشم انداز دریا با قیمت بسیار مناسب
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