Don't miss out on our 7-acre land in front of the commercial construction area in Haspolat, which can be used as a warehouse and showroom. Call now! 65,000 pounds per acre. For information, contact Ergün Kaleci 0533 846 0533.
Translated by 101evler
33.40% of the people living in Haspolat Nicosia region work as Private Sector and 10.90% as Artisan. 24.80% of the people living in this region are in the 35-44 age range. In addition, 34.40% of the people living in the region have University and Beyond education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
Haspolatta ticari imarlı ukü karsisinda depo ve show room olarak kullanılabilecek 7 dönüm yerimizi kaçırmayın.
Verpassen Sie nicht unser 7 Hektar großes Gelände in Haspolat, das für gewerbliche Zwecke in der Nähe des Haspolat-Strandes als Lager und Ausstellungsraum genutzt werden kann.
در حوزه تجاری دارای مجوز هاسپولاتا، به عنوان انبار و نمایشگاه قابل استفاده، زمین 7 دونمی خود را از دست ندهید.
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