35.50% of the people living in Küçük Kaymaklı Nicosia region work as Private Sector and 9.43% as Civil Servant. 20.70% of the people living in this region are in the 35-44 age range. In addition, 38.70% of the people living in the region have High School education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
Türk Koçanlı 2 arsa içerisinde satılık depo/imalathane olabilecek toplamda 1480 metre kare kapalı alan
Продается общая закрытая территория площадью 1480 квадратных метров, которую можно использовать как склад/производство, на 2 земельных участках с турецкой кокоткой.
Insgesamt 1480 Quadratmeter geschlossene Fläche, die als Lager/Manufaktur genutzt werden kann, zum Verkauf auf 2 Grundstücken mit türkischer Kokotte.
در مجموع 1480 متر مربع مساحت سرپوشیده قابل استفاده به عنوان انبار/کارخانه برای فروش در 2 قطعه زمین با کوکوت ترکی.
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