#Gemikonağı/LEFKE Tüfekçi apartments, 3rd floor, 2+1, 70 m2 #apartment for sale. Price: £56000. Facebook: Seyland Real Estate 05428800222
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33.80% of the people living in Gemikonağı Lefke region work as Private Sector and 10.00% as Artisan. 28.70% of the people living in this region are in the 65+ age range. In addition, 36.30% of the people living in the region have High School education.
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The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
#Gemikonağı/LEFKE'de Tüfekçi apartmanlarında 3. Kat, 2+1, 70 m2 #daire satılıktır. Fiyat:56000 sterlin. Facebook: Seyland Real Estate 05428800222
# В здании Tufekci в Гемиконаги / Лефке на третьем этаже продается квартира 2+1, 70 кв.м. Цена: 56000 фунтов стерлингов. Facebook: Недвижимость Seyland 05428800222
#Gemikonagi/LEFKE, Tüfekci apartments, 3rd floor, 2+1, 70 m2 apartment for sale. Price: 56000 pounds. Facebook: Seyland Real Estate 05428800222
#دستنمای Gemikonagı / LEFKE در طبقه سوم ساختمان تفکچی، 2 اتاق خواب و 1 اتاق نشیمن، 70 متر مربع #آپارتمان به فروش میرسد. قیمت: 56000 پوند. صفحه فیسبوک: املاک سیلند 05428800222
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