Graphs, square meter prices and property index are created in cooperation with 101evler and REIDIN Data Analytics.
35.50% of the people living in Zeytinlik Kyrenia region work as Private Sector and 10.00% as Civil Servant. 22.40% of the people living in this region are in the 65+ age range. In addition, 46.85% of the people living in the region have University and Beyond education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
....Passuci ,Gloria Jeans Kahveci bölgesi, yenilenmiş 1+1 , full eşya.Sıfır koltuk, inverter klima ve beyaz eşyalar. Yenilenmiş banyo ve wc. ( 1 deposit, 1 kira 1 komisyon)
....Passuci, район Gloria Jeans Kahveci, ремонт 1+1, полная мебель, нулевые места, инверторный кондиционер и бытовая техника. Отремонтированная ванная и туалет. (1 депозит, 1 аренда 1 комиссия)
....Passuci, Bereich Gloria Jeans Kahveci, 1+1 renoviert, voll möbliert. Keine Sitzplätze, Inverter-Klimaanlage und Haushaltsgeräte. Renoviertes Badezimmer und WC. (1 Kaution, 1 Miete, 1 Provision)
....پاسوچی منطقه گلوریا جین کاهوچی بازسازی شده 1+1 فول مبلمان صندلی صفر کولر اینورتر و وایت کالا. حمام و توالت بازسازی شده. (1 ودیعه، 1 اجاره 1 کمیسیون)
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