⭐️Cyprus Kyrenia's First and Only Shopping Mall Project⭐️
Sales have started with a 25% discount for the launch.
Agreements have been made with many brands that are not in Cyprus and the project will be completed in 2027. It will be delivered in the summer months.
Contact Us to Benefit from Discounted Prices Starting from £ 380,000 and Interest-Free Installment Options
Contact: +995391103100
Graphs, square meter prices and property index are created in cooperation with 101evler and REIDIN Data Analytics.
Girne İlk Ve Tek Avm Projesi Lansmana Özel %25 İndirimlerle Satışta ...
Первый и единственный проект торгового центра в Кирении продается со специальной скидкой 25% на открытие...
Kyrenias erstes und einziges Einkaufszentrumprojekt steht zum Verkauf mit einem Sonderrabatt von 25 % für die Eröffnung ...
اولین و تنها پروژه مرکز خرید گیرنه با 25 درصد تخفیف ویژه برای راه اندازی...
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