Translated by 101evler
25.00% of the people living in Boğaz Kyrenia region work as Private Sector and 18.50% as Freelance. 20.50% of the people living in this region are in the 35-44 age range. In addition, 40.00% of the people living in the region have University and Beyond education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
Lefkoşa / Boğaz Bölgesinde 628 m2 ile 785 m2 Arası Değişen Villa Yapımına Uygun Türk Koçanlı Arsalar Satılık
Продается земля под строительство виллы площадью от 628 до 785 кв. м. в районе Лефкоша/Богаз, подходящая для турецких владельцев
Nikosia / Bogaz-Region - Zwischen 628 m2 und 785 m2 variant Villa geeignet Turk-Kocan Land zum Verkauf
در نزدیکی لفکوشا / منطقه بوغاز، زمینهای ترک وعدهبرداریشده از 628 متر مربع تا 785 متر مربع برای ساخت ویلا قابل فروش میباشد.
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