30.46% of the people living in Lapta Kyrenia region work as Private Sector and 13.25% as Freelance. 23.10% of the people living in this region are in the 35-44 age range. In addition, 32.45% of the people living in the region have University and Beyond education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
GİRNE,LAPTA'da denize yakın mesafede 3+1 yüzme havuzlu- EŞYASIZ tek katlı ev . Doğan Boransel Mobile/ WhatsApp : +90-5338671911
Одноэтажный дом без вещей с бассейном 3+1, недалеко от моря в городе ЛАПТА, КИРЕНИЯ **
In der Nähe des Meeres in Kyrenia,LAPTA, 3+1 Schwimmbad - Einzelhaus ohne Möbel **
یک خانه یک طبقه با یک استخر شنا 3 + 1-بدون مبلمان, واقع در نزدیکی دریا در گیرنه, لاپتا **
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