Equivalent husband at the pier 1 house by the sea within 100 meters in 9 houses. Total usage area is 170 m2, closed area 110 m2, garden area 200 m2, on the ground floor kitchen living room WC, 1st floor 3 bedrooms, 2 WC+shower, 2nd floor terrace floor kitchen barbecue area and open terrace. Two of them are across from the pier ark hotel, 100 m from the main road. Distance to the sea is 200 meters. Price 280,000 stg. For information Ergün Kaleci 0533 846 0533
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38.70% of the people living in Boğaz Iskele region work as Private Sector and 8.50% as Teacher. 25.10% of the people living in this region are in the 65+ age range. In addition, 39.70% of the people living in the region have University and Beyond education.
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The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
Iskelede Esdeger kocan 1 adet 9 evlerde denize 100 metre. Toplam kullanim alani 170 m2 kapali alan 110 m2 bahce alani 200m2 müstakil villa
На набережной есть один равноценный дом у моря в 9 домах на расстоянии 100 метров от моря. Общая площадь использования - 170 кв.м., закрытая площадь - 110 кв.м., площадь сада - 200 кв.м., отдельная вилла.
Am Steg befindet sich ein gleichwertiger Ehemann, 1 Stück, 9 Häuser, 100 Meter vom Meer entfernt. Die Gesamtnutzfläche beträgt 170 m2, die geschlossene Fläche 110 m2 und die Gartenfläche 200 m2 freistehende Villa.
در بندر یک همسر معادل، یک عدد در خانههای 9 متری از دریا 100 متر فاصله دارد. مجموع مساحت استفاده شده 170 متر مربع، مساحت بسته 110 متر مربع و مساحت باغ 200 متر مربع برای ویلا جداگانه است.
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