2.5 acres of land in #Zümrütköy/GÜZELYURT with 40 large, 60 small #olive trees, official road, electricity, water nearby, equivalent dung #garden is for sale. Price: £70,000. Facebook: Seyland Real Estate 05428800222
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32.70% of the people living in Zümrütköy Guzelyurt region work as Private Sector and 8.70% as Freelance. 23.30% of the people living in this region are in the 65+ age range. In addition, 39.30% of the people living in the region have High School education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
#Zümrütköy/GÜZELYURT'ta 2.5 dönüm, içinde 40 adet büyük, 60 adet küçük #zeytin ağacı, resmi yolu, elektrik, su dibinde olan, eşdeğer koçan #bahçe satılıktır. Fiyatı:70000 sterlin. Facebook: Seyland Real Estate 05428800222
#В #Зумрюткёй / #Гюзельюртe 2,5 декарa, внутри 40 больших и 60 маленьких #оливковых деревьев, с официальной дорогой, электричеством, водой в глубине, эквиваленты #сад продаются. Цена: 70000 фунтов стерлингов. Facebook: Seyland Real Estate 05428800222
#In Zümrütköy/GÜZELYURT 2.5 acres, mit 40 großen und 60 kleinen Olivenbäumen, offizielle Straße, Strom, Wasser am Boden, gleichwertiger Kokon-Garten zum Verkauf. Preis: 70000 Pfund. Facebook: Seyland Immobilien 05428800222
#در #Zümrütköy/GÜZELYURT، زمینی به مساحت 2.5 دانم با 40 درخت زیتون بزرگ و 60 درخت زیتون کوچک دارای راه رسمی، برق، آب، در کنار دیگر مزایای معادل مزرعه برای فروش میباشد. قیمت: 70000 پوند. فیسبوک: Seyland Real Estate 05428800222
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