Located in Mormenekşe, one of the quietest and most spacious settlements on the island, this detached house has a very large area of 4 + 2 + 1 and all kinds of work has been done with its garage, pergola, woodshed and water tank. The rough construction has been completed and only the fine workmanship remains.
Translated by 101evler
38.00% of the people living in Mormenekşe Famagusta region work as Private Sector and 7.70% as Civil Servant. 25.70% of the people living in this region are in the 35-44 age range. In addition, 38.50% of the people living in the region have High School education.
Visit our Region Analysis page for more detailed information.
The demographic information on this page is shown in cooperation with LIPA Consultancy.
Mormenekşe 5017 metrekare içinde kabası bitmiş 350 metrekare müstakil ev
Грубо законченный особняк площадью 350 квадратных метров в Морменекше 5017 квадратных метров
Grob fertiggestelltes 350 Quadratmeter großes Einfamilienhaus in Mormenekşe 5017 Quadratmeter
خانه مستقل به مساحت 350 متر مربع در Mormenekşe 5017 متر مربع تقریباً تمام شده
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