Veröffentlicht in:
125 Euro;
Preis 100 Euro;
Gesamtkosten 300 Euro.
Located in the picturesque Bosphorus area on the territory of the Northern Cyprus hotel, the Caesar Beach hotel offers natural beauty. Large terraces and balconies with terraces and balconies have a more seaside breeze. Caesar Beach with modern apartments and villas does not satisfy me. The complex offers many amenities, including a pool, spa center, and fine dining restaurants. Beautiful beaches, surrounded by green gardens, create the perfect atmosphere for relaxation and leisure. This complex is ideal for romantic events. The Bosphorus and café atmosphere are just a few corridors away. Caesar Beach is beauty, creating a unique atmosphere for an exceptional stay in Northern Cyprus.
35.10% der Menschen, die in der Region Boğaztepe - Monarga Iskele leben, arbeiten als Privater Sektor und 8.40% als Freiberuflich. 24.30% der in dieser Region lebenden Menschen gehören der Altersgruppe 65+ an. Darüber hinaus verfügen 31.00% der in der Region lebenden Menschen über eine Weiterführende Schule-Bildung.
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