Famagusta city center, above ground, 3+1 apartment for sale Schools, courses, Akun, Dina, Molto, İlarma market, China Market, Thursday market, Electricity Corporation, Öyak, Özdilek, Ekor hotel and café, City Mall Shopping Center are right next door. Just like doctor, pharmacy, butcher in the neighborhood, there is also a famous kebab restaurant in the shops belonging to the site in Famagusta. There is also a market belonging to the site. Located at the intersection of Çanakkale and Baykal neighborhoods, the block where the apartment is located is not close to any other block and all windows overlook open spaces (at the end point of the site and on the side of the road). A balcony has been enclosed to create a cozy coffee drinking area for winter. The other balcony is open. Cabinets for storage and storage purposes have been made on both balconies. The bathroom has been completely renovated, and the wardrobes in the bedrooms have been completely rebuilt. Kitchen cabinets have also been renovated.
Übersetzt von 101evler
Grafiken, Quadratmeterpreise und Objektverzeichnis werden in Zusammenarbeit mit 101evler und REIDIN Data Analytics erstellt.
34.40% der Menschen, die in der Region Baykal Famagusta leben, arbeiten als Privater Sektor und 12.98% als Handwerkerin. 20.80% der in dieser Region lebenden Menschen gehören der Altersgruppe 65+ an. Darüber hinaus verfügen 39.69% der in der Region lebenden Menschen über eine Weiterführende Schule-Bildung.
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